The official organisation promoting and advocating for safe & sustainable use of our natural fisheries resources by Recreational Spearfishers
Spearfishing NZ Summer Safety Competition
What is that float doing out there?
What we’re after:
The best visual story (video) that delivers the float & flag, Diver proximity awareness message to all marine users (Divers, Spearos, Boaties).
We know the risks best of all, so let’s get creative and tell the world there’s at least one diver connected to that float, and flag!
Our waterways are getting busy, very busy. Spearos are out in greater numbers than ever and often well out from the coast. Near misses are now too common. We (divers) are essentially pedestrians playing on the road. Far too many without any flag or float. It’s just a matter of time before the next serious incident/fatality
Let’s be proactive and sensible. Don’t play in heavy traffic zones and at the very least let the boaties know that if there’s a Flag & Float, there will also be a diver – 5 knots within 200 meters
Diver safety awareness video – must feature float & Flag
Float must comply with SNZ float colours (Red, Orange, and Yellow)
Flag – Blue & White
Less the 2 minutes
Uploaded to Youtube/Vimeo with link sent to SNZ email Add
Videos will become property of SNZ
Comp runs from (23RD December 2016) to (31ST March 2017)
Prizes – Harrison Plat & Packhorse Plat
Winner – selected by independent panel
Send all Videos to
PRIZES Sponsored by Ocean Hunter and Harrison Floats