The official organisation promoting and advocating for safe & sustainable use of our natural fisheries resources by Recreational Spearfishers
northern area spearfishing competition
Sunday 23 October 2016
Registrations at 42 Cory Wright Drive, Tairua
Proudly hosted by The Mighty Bluefins
Proudly sponsored by OceanHunter
Time: 7:00am Registration and Briefing, 8:30am Start.
Weigh-in: 4:30pm location to be confirmed
Entry: $35.00 per diver
Prizegiving: 5:30pm location to be confirmed. Prizes courtesy of OceanHunter.
BBQ: Free BBQ for all competitors (included in entry fee)
Area: Aldermen or Slipper Island: To be advised. Swim competition. Pairs only.
Charity fish auction from 4:30pm with all proceeds going to the Tairua Fire Brigade and Lions.
All fish weighed in will be donated to the auction
For further information please contact: Gary Conway / 021 191 9250

All divers are required to dive in pairs and to have a plat and dive flag attached for safety reasons.
FISH LIST: MAF Rules Apply
Snapper (common) 5
Golden Snapper 1
Terakihi, Boarfish, John Dory: 5 of, max 3 of one species
Trevally, Kahawai, Koheru: 5 of, max 3 of one species
Butterfish 2
Kingfish 1
Blue Maomao 2
Pink Maomao 2
Red Cod (all) 2
Red Mullet 2
Crayfish 2
Gamefish, Hapuka 1
Points Allocation: 100 points per species and 10 points per kg. Maximum weight per fish for points will be 8kg.