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northern area spearfishing competition

Sunday 23 October 2016
Registrations at 42 Cory Wright Drive, Tairua
Proudly hosted by The Mighty Bluefins
Proudly sponsored by OceanHunter

Time: 7:00am Registration and Briefing, 8:30am Start.

Weigh-in: 4:30pm location to be confirmed

Entry: $35.00 per diver

Prizegiving: 5:30pm location to be confirmed. Prizes courtesy of OceanHunter.

BBQ: Free BBQ for all competitors (included in entry fee)

Area: Aldermen or Slipper Island: To be advised. Swim competition. Pairs only.

Charity fish auction from 4:30pm with all proceeds going to the Tairua Fire Brigade and Lions.

All fish weighed in will be donated to the auction

For further information please contact: Gary Conway / 021 191 9250



All divers are required to dive in pairs and to have a plat and dive flag attached for safety reasons.

FISH LIST: MAF Rules Apply

Snapper (common) 5

Golden Snapper 1

Terakihi, Boarfish, John Dory: 5 of, max 3 of one species

Trevally, Kahawai, Koheru: 5 of, max 3 of one species

Butterfish 2

Kingfish 1

Blue Maomao 2

Pink Maomao 2

Red Cod (all) 2

Red Mullet 2

Crayfish 2

Gamefish, Hapuka 1

Points Allocation: 100 points per species and 10 points per kg. Maximum weight per fish for points will be 8kg.

© 2012-2021 Spearfishing New Zealand. Always dive with a Buddy

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